Oil & Gas
(ETSCO's) custom enclosures & control systems may consist of but are not limited to all types of:
- SCR-DC Drive Systems
- VFD-AC (Top-Drive) Systems
- (PLC) Programmable Logic Controllers
- Natural Gas Transmission & Monitoring Stations
- (MCC) Motor Control Centers
- Custom (Explosion Proof) Equipment
- Drillers Cabins & Drillers Chairs
- Switch-Gear
- Panelboards
- Enclosed Circuit Breakers
- Combination Starters
- Manual Transfer Switches
- Portable Power Racks
- Drillers Consoles
Ross Hill & Hill Hayes style (Analog SCR systems)
(ETSCO) specializes in (Ross Hill & Hill Hayes) analog SCR Drive systems & spare part replacements. We are known worldwide for servicing, repairing, & custom building these systems & replacement components for over thirty plus years. (ETSCO) integrates & engineers SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) Drive systems & DC Variable Speed Drives (VSD). SCR Drive systems are also known as DC Drives, & Variable Speed Drives.
SCR/DC Drives
ETSCO's (SCR/DC) Drives coexists with series or shunt type systems, full four quadrant SCR bridge, electronic armature reversing, & automatic field wakening. Custom power modules provide protection & current limitations to these (SCR/DC) Drives. Upon customer specifications, our (SCR/DC) Drives are also fully capable to communicate through (PLC's), Ethernet, Touchscreens, &/or other local network connections.
VFD/AC Drives
(ETSCO) is currently in the process of manufacturing it's very own authentic line of (VFD/AC) Drives. Many of our customers have high expectations & are highly anticipating our (VFD/AC) Drive line up. We currently use third party ABB (ACS800-37LC) liquid cooled low harmonic drives (or) GE-Converteam (MV3000) low voltage power conversion drives. These power modules are especially designed for quick roll out replacement to better accommodate our customers needs.
(HPGTMS) High Pressure Gas Transmission & Monitoring Stations

Natural Gas is one of the main sources of energy in the world. Considering the complexity of natural gas distribution & transportation pipeline systems, the best way to process, monitor, & control oil & gas transmission pipeline information is with modern day computer & communication technology. (HPGTMS) can provide fail safe transportation & distribution dispatching, system reliability, process monitoring, fault detection/diagnosis, optimal network control, load prediction, fault parameter estimation, dynamic simulation, & state estimation. Microprocessors & Microcomputers have taken over the role of formerly hard-wired front-ends & large process control computers through the use of (SCADA) & Telemetry Systems. These systems often coexists with Wireless Sensor Networks or (WSNs), which monitor physical or environmental conditions such as pressure, temperature, pollutants, vibration, motion, or sound which then passes the data through the network to a main location where the data can then be observed & analyzed. The use of these systems can remarkably improve network performance, ensure data is delegated effectively, & prolong the systems overall lifespan through high performance, lower cost, & control efficiency.
(ETSCO's) custom enclosures contain medium & low voltage switchgear that optimizes ABB, (GE) General Electric, Eaton, Siemens, Square D, among many other top of the line circuit breakers. Applications may consist of, but are not restricted to:
"liquid cooled low harmonic drives"
"low voltage power conversion drives"
