Power Generation
(PFC) Power Factor Correction
Power Factor may be defined as the ratio of power-producing current output of a generator to the total current delivered by the generator, or the ratio of (KW) kilowatts "working power", to the total (kVA) kilovolt-ampere "apparent power". (PFC) Power Factor Correctors are systems implemented to reduce electricity usage & cost, by maintaining the level of reactive power consumption. If a sites "Power Factor" falls below a predetermined amount (or value) it adds reactive charges to your bill, if the power factor is good (or above) the predetermined amount the strain on electrical infrastructure is greatly reduced, also reducing the reactive power charges to your electricity bill. An insufficient power factor can lead to power limit malfunctions, reduced voltage levels, or overloaded transformers & cables. Power limit problems can be reduced by adding an additional generator to supply the increased demand for current due to a poor power factor. However, this also greatly reduces each individual engine load. Underutilizing diesel engines can cause them to operate insufficiently, increasing fuel consumption, operation & maintenance cost. Capacitors are the most effective, & inexpensive way for improving the power factor. Power Factor Correction (PFC) increases the power factor of a load, improving distribution system efficiency. Linear loads with low power factor can be corrected with a passive network of capacitors &/or inductors. Non-Linear loads, such as rectifiers can distort the current drawn from a system. Active or passive power factor correction can be utilized to raise the power factor, & counteract the distortion through devices built into power consuming equipment, spread out over a distribution system, or at a central substation.
Power Factor Explained by The Engineering Mindset